A program of the Bonner Soil and Water Conservation District, the Lake Assist program provides assistance to Bonner County residents on water quality concerns and suggestions on how to reduce pollutants to our abundant lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater.
Lake Assist

Bank Stabilization
Many waterfront property owners are experiencing extensive erosion. This is primarily caused by lack of vegetation, varying lake levels, fast flowing rivers, and the force of waves. Bank stabilization benefits your property value and water quality.
Often landowners rip rap their property without incorporating vegetation into the design. Vegetation keeps the water cool, preventing algae, filtering upland pollutants and providing fish and wildlife habitat. Our office can provide design recommendations for shoreline stabilization.
A permit is required for any projects below ordinary high water. The Joint Application for Permits is required and is used by the US Army Corp of Engineers, Idaho Department of Lands, and Idaho Department of Water Resources. For bank stabilization the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and Idaho Department of lands will be involved in the permitting process.
Army Corp of Engineers
US Army Corps of Engineers
Walla Walla District
Coeur d'Alene Regulatory Office
1910 Northwest Blvd., #210
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814
(986) 810-0179
Idaho Department of Lands
Pend Oreille Supervisory Office
Eric Sjoquist, Area Manager
2550 Highway 2 West
Sandpoint, ID 83864
(208) 263-5104​​